Articles List

If I look back on my childhood days, I recall myself frequently saying - "I don't believe in God". I remember having endless arguments with my elders regarding the existence of God, still, I had no faith in God. The statements like - Kingdom of God, God Names, God's Mercy etc never made any sense to me. I never understood who is God, who created God, what is my relationship with God, before by God's grace I came in the association of His devotees and undergone a systematic study.

When I contemplate on those days, I must say, I turned into an atheist due to lack of knowledge about God. This is the prime reason why many people don't believe in God. We have bits and pieces of information from various sources, like our parents, grandparents, TV etc., but lack authentic and bonafide information. The moment we encounter a small knock from Ultra Modern Friend circle or Godless Society, Movies, Modern Education or Godless Political influences like Communism, our fragile faith shatters into pieces. 

This is why,  my wife & myself have tried to strategically assemble and compile the articles, with an intention of sharing whatever we are reading and learning, thereby sharing an understanding of God and real religion.

Article Categories

This section is targeted mainly for building our faith in “The Inconceivable”.

It is a very wrong and widely propagated notion; science and spirituality cannot go hand-in-hand, rather true science cannot deny God. This section is targeted mainly for building our faith in “The Inconceivable” through the Legends in the fields of Science.

A very big and common myth is – Taking to the path of spirituality means to give up everything, so let me enjoy my life, my wife, my children and when my children get settled in their life, then I shall think of taking up spirituality. This is, in fact, the most common approach of every human (let us ignore the atheist – they are in much pitiable state). However, by the time we think we are ready for spirituality, our life has approached its end. Thus we need to learn from successful people like Alfred-Ford, who is a great devotee of Lord Krishna as well as a great business tycoon. This section is targeting on ideas how we can imbibe spirituality into our mundane life and activities.

Let us understand the true meaning of God or Bhagavan. Let us understand who is God and why.

This section would target some of the most commonly asked questions - What is a True Religion? If God is One then why so many religion? Does all religion teach the same message? As long as we do not understand the true essence of all religion, we will be falsely treating other religions inferior and will be causing mental, verbal or physical violence. The goal of this section is to understand the similarities and get a true understanding of all religions, which might lead to a peaceful world.


Essentials for a Strong Spiritual Foundation

Essentials for a Strong Spiritual Foundation
Essentials for a Strong Spiritual Foundation

  1. Observing the World Around

  2. Veda - The Manual of Life

  3. Is Spirituality = Blind Faith?

  4. Who are We?

  5. The six blind men & the elephant.


Science and God

Science and God
Science and God

  1. Newton's Story


How to improve spiritual health

How to improve spiritual health

  1. Let's get Addicted!!

  2. What we do is who we are

  3. Forgotten Love Story

  4. Happy to Serve?

  5. Life as a puppet

  6. In the Middle of a Hunting Ground, with the Predators!!

  7. "Success is what you define it to be." - Is It?

  8. Did You See Your Doctor?

  9. Career Tips - How to be a Successful Manager.

  10. I was a Goat, are you?

  11. Bodybuilding Tips

  12. Errors- Remove or Ignore?

  13. The Ongoing divine PASTIMES of The Lord

  14. 5 easy ways to be part of Lord's Pastime


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